Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Sous Vide or not Sous Vide? That is the Question.

Ok, my friends. Of all things, I've been reading up on this crazy sous vide tech(nique) and I'm a little intrigued. If you haven't heard of or read up on it, here's the gist: seal the food to be cooked in an airless plastic bag and immerse it in water that is at the final internal temperature you want the food to reach. No overcooking, no undercooking, no loss of juices or flavors.

 I'm also unwilling to shell out $200+ for yet another kitchen gadget that I may or may not use beyond the initial experimentation stage. For instance, this little darling runs $237, used. I like my toys, but please.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

2 Bean and Cilantro Protein and Fiber Bomb Salad

It's been sweaty style hot lately, at least for Central Pennsylvania. I'm usually fine with sweating over the wok or counteracting the flames from the grill with liberal doses of Duclaw Brewing products, but sometimes you've had enough. The solution? Salads.

Stay with me, hold on. I enjoy green salads as much as the next guy (meaning sometimes), but if one looks up salad definitions, the main properties seem to be:

  • Usually cold, or at least not hot
  • Contains vegetables or fruits, not necessarily greens
  • Often mixed together
  • Dressing

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

3 Reasons Curry is Great & Easy

 There's nothing quite like a good bowl of steaming curry. I've ordered it at pricy spots in D.C. and at a sweet little local place in PA called Pakha's. My personal fave is the green, cranked up so hot and spicy that I cry as I shovel it into my face. As with many a dish I love, it never occurred to me that I should just make it at home. Then, thanks to my friend Jake and a conversation during one of his barbecues, I found my newest cheap and tasty go to meal.